Initiative Description
VATS staff meet monthly with Virginia No Wrong Door (NWD) to coordinate awareness of and access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services in Virginia’s NWD system. VATS makes available and has provided AT kits to address social isolation and personal safety for NWD staff to introduce to their constituents. Partners include rehab hospitals, local Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living and non-profits. This collaboration among multiple state agencies, private industry and non-profits is helping older adults and individuals with disabilities access and acquire appropriate and affordable assistive technology devices (AT) and services through the NWD system. VATS received funding through NWD and the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan to purchase AT kits for demonstration, short-term loan and training. VATS AT Specialist participates as a member of the Greater RVA NWD Advisory Council to further coordinate AT access.
Lessons Learned/Replication
The state AT Act program and No Wrong Door (NWD) partnership continues to evolve. The reach of both groups has expanded and is helping to meet the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities statewide. AT awareness continues to grow through information and assistance, demonstration, short-term loan, trainings, and public awareness activities provided by VATS and NWD partners. VATS received funding through Virginia NWD from the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan. This is replicable in other states, but a solid relationship needs to be built between state AT Act and NWD systems.