Housing/Home Automation

Oklahoma ABLE Tech Collaborates with Developmental Disabilities Services


In 2023, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Home and Community-Based Waivers implemented the coverage of assistive technology, enabling devices, and remote services.

Collaboration Between ND Assistive and Alzheimer’s Association

North Dakota

In FY 2023, ND Assistive met several times with the director of the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association to see how our programs could work together to improve the lives of individuals with dementia as well as their caregivers.

Empowering Vulnerable Adults: ND Assistive's Collaboration with Aging Services

North Dakota

ND Assistive collaborated with the Assistant Director of North Dakota Aging Services to develop a strategy for providing assistive technology that promotes independence and safety to the numerous North Dakota adults benefiting from the Vulnerable Adult Protective Services (VAPS) program under her

MassMATCH Leads Statewide Collaboration: Expanding Assistive Tech with ARPA Funds


MassMATCH, the Massachusetts State AT Program participated in a major statewide collaborative effort among Massachusetts state agencies that serve individuals with disabilities and older adults.

Integrating Remote Technology Support for Independence


LATAN has partnered and collaborated with the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), Office of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) to expand its Medicaid Waiver programs to include technology supports with remote features (mobile emergency response systems and electronic medication rem

Collaborating with State Organizations to Increase AT Access

North Dakota

ND Assistive and ND Protection and Advocacy met several times this year to collaborate on ways to help more people across the state obtain assistive technology. Although many topics involving assistive technology were discussed.

WyRamp: Addressing the Need for Home Ramps in Wyoming


Accessing one’s home for some residents who have problems with balance or who use a wheelchair, scooter, or walker is a major issue in Wyoming. Many homes in Wyoming are not equipped with ramps or zero-degree thresholds at their entrances.

Kits for Social Isolation and Personal Safety


VATS staff meet monthly with Virginia No Wrong Door (NWD) to coordinate awareness of and access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services in Virginia’s NWD system.

Electronic Referral Process to Streamline AT Access

South Dakota

DakotaLink collaborates with the State Department of Human Services to provide training to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors throughout the State on their established process for how they provide Assistive Technology devices and services for their Consumers.