Initiative Description
ND Assistive and ND Protection and Advocacy met several times this year to collaborate on ways to help more people across the state obtain assistive technology. Although many topics involving assistive technology were discussed. It became clear that assistive technology for home monitoring and independence was one to be addressed this year. Assistive Technology Act dollars were utilized in this effort.
Lessons Learned/Replication
The first and second result of this partnership was a training at the 2022 North Dakota Community Facilities Conference provided by ND Assistive and joint participation in a panel on how assistive technology can help with the workforce shortage in the area of people with developmental disabilities. Other participants on this panel were a representative from the ND DHS Developmental Disabilities Division, two representatives from residential facilities for people with developmental disabilities from ND and MN, and a private MN assistive technology company specializing in smart home technology for home monitoring and independence. Lastly, because of this partnership with ND Protection & Advocacy, the development of an Assistive Technology Taskforce regarding the workforce shortage and how assistive technology can help was created. Members come from the following agencies: the Independent Living Centers, ND DHS Developmental Disabilities Division, ND residential facilities, ND guardianship, and more. This task force will continue into FY23.