Device Loan

Supporting AAC Users


Throughout their academic journey, students may have received AAC devices and necessary support. However, upon transitioning to higher education or community living, unless an AAC device was acquired specifically for them, they now find themselves without a communication tool.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech Collaborates with Developmental Disabilities Services


In 2023, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Home and Community-Based Waivers implemented the coverage of assistive technology, enabling devices, and remote services.

Collaboration to do Statewide Training


We collaborate with the Nisonger Center at Ohio State to put on a statewide training called TechSummit. The presentations included smart homes, off the shelf technology, new and developing technologies, as well as innovative ways technology was accessed in other states.

Building Bridges: Nevada AT Program and United Way Partnership


The AT Resource Center has an established and on-going partnership with the United Way.

Access to Employment: Collaborative Vocational Support Service Event

New Mexico

In partnership with the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR), DiverseIT, and NMTAP we coordinated a full service for individuals with disabilities obtaining vocational rehabilitation services.

Empowering Vision Rehabilitation: Partnership with Future In Sight

New Hampshire

We established a new partnership with Future In Sight, which is a nonprofit that provides vision rehabilitation services for NH people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired.

Expanding Access: Collaborative Efforts to Support Visually Impaired Students

New Hampshire

We collaborated with the Department of Education support project for teachers of the visually impaired. The purpose of this collaboration was to increase access to devices that teachers can borrow for students with vision impairments.

Nebraska ATP: Empowering Educators and Students Through Assistive Technology


ATP has an agreement with the Nebraska Department of Education, Office of Special Education to provide awareness activities, training, technical assistance, and a statewide assistive technology loan pool to IEP/IFSP teams in the state of Nebraska.

Collaboration Between ND Assistive and Alzheimer’s Association

North Dakota

In FY 2023, ND Assistive met several times with the director of the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association to see how our programs could work together to improve the lives of individuals with dementia as well as their caregivers.