Information and Communication Technology/Remote Connectivity

Partnering with the State Unit on Aging to Reduce Social Isolation


To reduce social isolation and loneliness, the Oregon AT Program continued their partnership with the State Unit on Aging and ADRC offices throughout Oregon, providing technology and related services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Building Bridges: Nevada AT Program and United Way Partnership


The AT Resource Center has an established and on-going partnership with the United Way.

STAY CONNECTED: Bridging Isolation Through Technology and Connection


The Arc of Mississippi, in partnership with Project START at The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation, continues the effort to keep people receiving services in residential and other programs or who may be in isolated situations, connected with their families and friends.

CNMI Empowers First Responders with Disability Training for Effective Response

Northern Marianas

The CNMI Assistive Technology Program in collaboration with the CNMI Council on Developmental Disabilities, CNMI-University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the Northern Marianas Protection and Advocacy Systems, Inc.

MoAT and MODCC Partner to Enhance Digital Inclusion for People with IDD


Missouri Assistive Technology (MoAT) has begun a multi-year partnership with our state Developmental Disabilities Council (MODCC) that focuses on increasing digital inclusion for individuals with IDD.

Minnesota STAR Program Collaborates with North Dakota Assistive for AT Webinars


The Minnesota STAR Program collaborated this past year with North Dakota Assistive to host monthly one-hour webinars on various assistive technology topics. Additionally, we have been creating short videos about assistive technology devices.

Maine CITE Partners with Workforce Initiative for Career Center Technology Update


Maine CITE began working with the Maine Workforce initiative to update the technology at the career centers located throughout the state.

MassMATCH Leads Statewide Collaboration: Expanding Assistive Tech with ARPA Funds


MassMATCH, the Massachusetts State AT Program participated in a major statewide collaborative effort among Massachusetts state agencies that serve individuals with disabilities and older adults.

AT Awareness Month


May 2022 was Wyoming Assistive Technology Awareness Month, a formal proclamation signed by Wyoming's Governor Mark Gordon and was held virtually through the Google Meets platform. 45 attendees witnessed the virtual signing.

"Connect with Tech" Helping with Internet Connectivity


CDC funds received from the Pennsylvania Department of Health enabled our program to develop a program called "Connect with Tech." This program distributes tablets (including case, stylus and earbuds) and assist recipients by offering tech support and resources