Initiative Description
SCATP collaborated with the SC Department on Aging (SCDOA), Walton Options Centers for Independent Living and the Medical University of SC (MUSC) counseling department on a social isolation project. The pilot program helps people aged 55 and younger with a disability who are at risk of social isolation. This program is being piloted in 2 nursing homes. The program provides each participant with an accessible iPad per their individual needs and training on how to use it. Participants will participate in peer-to-peer counseling facilitated by MUSC’s SC Safe Seniors Program. All participants who successfully complete the training and participate in the peer-to-peer sessions will be able to keep their iPad following the pilot’s conclusion.
Lessons Learned/Replication
16 participants initially received iPad accessibility recommendations, which for some individuals and staff members, the recommendations were eye opening to the possibility of independence. Approximately 8 residents are now enrolled with some dropping out of the program due to discharge to home, hospice and death. If funding allows the partners would like to collaborate for another project beyond this pilot. One suggestion would be to make the time between recommendations, setup, and training more expedient.