
Cultivating Partnerships with Tennessee AgrAbility and Vocational Rehabilitation


The Tennessee Technology Access Program (TTAP) along with a partner center worked in collaboration with UT CLEE to provide continuing education training to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) staff and Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs).

Training Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to Deliver Assistive Technology to Clients

South Dakota

DakotaLink partners with the State Department of Human Services to offer training to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors across the State regarding their established procedure for delivering Assistive Technology devices and services to their clients.

Partnering on a Social Isolation Project

South Carolina

SCATP collaborated with the SC Department on Aging (SCDOA), Walton Options Centers for Independent Living and the Medical University of SC (MUSC) counseling department on a social isolation project.  The pilot program helps people aged 55 and younger with a disability who are at

Using Accessible Educational Materials in the Transition Process

South Carolina

The SC Assistive Technology program (SCATP) is collaborating with the SC Department of Education, the state library system, ETV, the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), and national AEM Center on Accessible Educational Materials, and Teach Access to provide educators with valuable infor

IATP Collaborates with Medical Professionals for AT Awareness


Illinois Assistive Technology Program’s CEO met the medical doctor responsible for all physicians’ training at a holiday event.

IATP Provides Training to Educators


Idaho Assistive Technology Project (IATP) provided AAC training in three locations across the state, primarily focusing on SLPs in private and K12 practice. Family members, education professionals, and preservice SLPs also attended the training.

Easterseals Iowa Partners to Create Accessible Outdoor Opportunities


Easterseals Iowa team members were selected to serve on the advisory committees for three major outdoor and recreational projects. These projects include coordination with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Polk County Conservation, and Des Moines Public Parks. 

FAAST Public Awareness Collaboration


FAAST began more routine and consistent communication and work with the Area Agency on Aging office which led to the opportunity to present to different aging and senior groups in the panhandle area of Florida.

DCATP Continues 'Technology First' Initative

District of Columbia

DC Assistive Technology Specialists and Program Manager serve on the Department on Disability Services work group to develop a "Technology First" initiative in the District of Columbia.