Technical Assistance/State Improvement Outcomes

Training Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to Deliver Assistive Technology to Clients

South Dakota

DakotaLink partners with the State Department of Human Services to offer training to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors across the State regarding their established procedure for delivering Assistive Technology devices and services to their clients.

Partnering on a Social Isolation Project

South Carolina

SCATP collaborated with the SC Department on Aging (SCDOA), Walton Options Centers for Independent Living and the Medical University of SC (MUSC) counseling department on a social isolation project.  The pilot program helps people aged 55 and younger with a disability who are at

Assistive Technology Awareness Day

Rhode Island

Rhode Island has worked tirelessly to educate on all things assistive technology.  As part of this, we have just begun to hold a Assistive Technology Awareness Day.  During this reporting time, Rhode Island held our second annual AT Awareness Day.  &

Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Courts

Puerto Rico

Through a collaborative agreement with the Puerto Rico Tribunal Administration Office (TAO), PRATP has offered technical assistance to judges and officials on issues related to assistive technology and persons with disabilities.

Easterseals Iowa Partners to Create Accessible Outdoor Opportunities


Easterseals Iowa team members were selected to serve on the advisory committees for three major outdoor and recreational projects. These projects include coordination with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Polk County Conservation, and Des Moines Public Parks. 

Georgia Tools For Life Partners with GA DBHDD to Fund waivers


A team from Georgia Tools for Life has been working since July of 2022 with the GA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) on the addition of Assistive Technology products and services to the COMP and NOW waivers in Georgia.

DCATP Continues 'Technology First' Initative

District of Columbia

DC Assistive Technology Specialists and Program Manager serve on the Department on Disability Services work group to develop a "Technology First" initiative in the District of Columbia.

'Bridging our Didgital Divide' Partnerships


CT's AT Act Program utilized AT Public Health funds in collaboration with the State Unit on Aging who contributed $292,838 of their Public Health funds and $108,000 in ADRC Funds to help create our Bridging the Digital Divide program in CT.

'Surviving in Place' partnership with HCPF


The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado received $1.4 million from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), the state Medicaid office, to provide emergency battery backup power systems, 1,000 emergency go kits, and four different trainings on emergency preparedness