Technical Assistance/State Improvement Outcomes

Durable Medical Equipment Funding


Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program staff participated in Iowa Medicaid Listening sessions and followed up with IME Director for an onsite tour.

Stakeholder Group for AAC


Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program established a committee of key stakeholders regarding AAC.

Accessible Websites and Apps for Department of Correction

The State ADAs Office, Georgia Tech AMAC Accessibility Research Center and TFL who form AccessGA worked together to assist the Georgia Department of Corrections to become accessible with their website and apps.

Creating Inclusive Environments for Children with Disabilities


The Colorado Assistive Technology Act Program team has worked closely with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood on a new program, Project Include which began in 2021.This project expands on a previous program, Inclusion and Universal Design.

AT for Addressing Recovery Stages of Emergencies


CIDE has worked with the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on the inclusion of assistive technology in the planning, response, and recovery stages of an emergency.

Providing Person-Centered Institutes for Transition


The Department of Rehabilitation secured $10M to establish the Community Living Fund Program which advances the governor’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA) and the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) No Wrong Door model by expanding the capacity of disab

Vaccine Clinic Creation with Vermont Family Network


Vermont AT Program partnered with the Vermont Family Network on a vaccine clinic for children with special needs.

Innovating Ideas with a State-wide Leadership Group


The Oregon AT Program is a SLATE (State Leaders of Assistive Technology in Education) member.

The Social Isolation and Loneliness Project


To reduce social isolation and loneliness, the Oregon AT Program partnered with the State Unit on Aging and ADRC offices throughout Oregon to provide technology and related services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Public Library Partnership for Info Dissemination


Working with the Southern Nevada Public Library System we began with discussions about on-going collaborations to establish a long-term partnership for information dissemination, outreach, and creating additional methods to reach underserved populations with as