
Partnering with the State Unit on Aging to Reduce Social Isolation


To reduce social isolation and loneliness, the Oregon AT Program continued their partnership with the State Unit on Aging and ADRC offices throughout Oregon, providing technology and related services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Aging Well: AT Webinar Series with NJ Advocates

New Jersey

We partnered with NJAWW (NJ Advocates for Aging well)  Developed and implemented a webinar series that covered a variety of AT topics   The first 15-20 minutes were an overview of the AT covered.

Collaboration Between ND Assistive and Alzheimer’s Association

North Dakota

In FY 2023, ND Assistive met several times with the director of the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association to see how our programs could work together to improve the lives of individuals with dementia as well as their caregivers.

Growing Access: MonTECH and Cutting Fences Foundation Partnership


This year, MonTECH deepened its relationship with the Cutting Fences Foundation, a non-profit serving farmers, ranchers, and veterans with disabilities in Montana.

Accessible Recreation and Gaming AT Pop Ups

North Carolina

Following up on the success of previous AT pop up events prior to Covid and in 2022 focusing on AT Financing and AT for Aging, NCATP partnered with AbleGamers to host 3 AT pop up events in 2023 focusing on Accessible Recreation and Gaming.

WyRamp: Addressing the Need for Home Ramps in Wyoming


Accessing one’s home for some residents who have problems with balance or who use a wheelchair, scooter, or walker is a major issue in Wyoming. Many homes in Wyoming are not equipped with ramps or zero-degree thresholds at their entrances.

Kits for Social Isolation and Personal Safety


VATS staff meet monthly with Virginia No Wrong Door (NWD) to coordinate awareness of and access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services in Virginia’s NWD system.

Expanding AT Programs for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind's collaboration with The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) has greatly helped expand its Communications Technology Program (CTP) through their assessments, installation, and t

Incorporating AT Awareness for ALS Patients


Tennessee Technology Access Program (TTAP) collaborates with Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Muscular Dystrophy Association to provide assistive technology services at the monthly multidisciplinary ALS Clinic.  The clinic is maintained by Vand