'Surviving in Place' partnership with HCPF

Initiative Description

The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado received $1.4 million from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), the state Medicaid office, to provide emergency battery backup power systems, 1,000 emergency go kits, and four different trainings on emergency preparedness to Medicaid providers, Medicaid members/consumers, family members and caregivers. HCPF was responsible for marketing to providers and members, developing a tracking spreadsheet, and providing initial approvals. CIDE was responsible for the initial research and testing of three different power backup battery systems, development of the backup battery application, final approvals, and determination of the size of battery, distribution of acceptance letter and setup instructions, development of the go kit application, final approvals, and distribution of go kits. CIDE was also responsible for the content develop of all four trainings (Plan, Prepare, and Respond for Medicaid providers; Train-the-Trainer for providers; Backup Battery Systems for providers, members, family members and caregivers; and Be Your Own First Responder for Medicaid members, family members, caregivers, and staff).

To date, CIDE has received 758 applications and disseminated 565 emergency battery backup power units, received 168 applications, and disseminated 138 emergency go kits and have provided trainings in 4 locations across the state, with dates set for two more locations, plans for additional virtual trainings, and just-in-time online trainings.

Year of Implementation




Initiative contact information

Maureen Melonis