Collaboration Between ND Assistive and Alzheimer’s Association

Initiative Description

In FY 2023, ND Assistive met several times with the director of the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association to see how our programs could work together to improve the lives of individuals with dementia as well as their caregivers. AT Act dollars were utilized in this effort as well as funding through the Money Follows the Person Supplemental Funding-Capacity Building Program.

Lessons Learned/Replication

As a result of these meetings, a formal written agreement was forged between the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association (NDAA) and North Dakota Assistive. This agreement encompasses mutual training initiatives for each organization's staff and aims to raise public awareness about the services offered by both entities. Furthermore, the NDAA committed to surveying their team and volunteers to gauge interest in becoming AT Ambassadors, equipped with kits containing assistive technology. As of this writing, five of our seventeen volunteers AT Ambassadors are staff of the ND Alzheimer’s Association! Thus, they have expanded their knowledge and appreciation of assistive technology, by highlighting and demonstrating various devices at exhibits and presentations. In fact, one NDAA employee presented and/or exhibited at eight different events last fiscal year alone.

Year of Implementation



North Dakota

Initiative contact information

Krull, Jeannie