Initiative Description
Through a collaborative agreement with the Puerto Rico Tribunal Administration Office (TAO), PRATP has offered technical assistance to judges and officials on issues related to assistive technology and persons with disabilities. Aimed at three core areas: 1) evaluation of the accessibility of judicial centers and first instance courts, 2) training in the selection and use of AT tools that are available at the judicial centers, and 3) accessible equipment (ADA compliant) for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the courts and for the integration of AT devices with the electronic systems available in the recently inaugurated “smart-courtrooms” around the Island. As part of this agreement, PRATP also partnered with the Puerto Rico Judicial Branch Accessibility Program, the Puerto Rican Academy of Judges and the Puerto Rico Office of Evaluation, Training and Development to provide training and awareness on various topics related to the inclusion of the disabled community into the justice system. Through the Academy of Judges, newly appointed judges were trained on the topic “Access to justice and assistive technology.” Also, the training “Assistive technology for accessible communication” was offered to train officials in the use of the Communication Assistance Board, which was developed by PRATP and TAO and distributed to the branches of the judiciary throughout the Island. The initiative was implemented using federal and state funds.
Lessons Learned/Replication
During this reporting period, the PRATP provided over 110 hours of technical assistance at judicial centers around the Island. Eight facilities of the judicial branch were evaluated on physical accessibility and availability of inclusive technologies in the courtrooms. These facilities also received technical training on the identification of functional communication strategies and selection of assistive technologies for the inclusion of persons with communication disabilities into the judicial processes. As a result of this partnership, individuals with disabilities have access to assistive technologies acquired and distributed in all the judicial regions of Puerto Rico as part of the “Access to Justice” initiative. These technologies include FM systems, personal amplifiers, communication boards, tablets with apps for persons with visual, cognitive, and physical disabilities, among other devices. AT awareness has also increased through the publication of a catalog of devices available in the judicial branch, integration of an AT Tools section on the judicial system’s web page ( Also, signs are posted throughout Puerto Rican courtrooms to advise visitors about the availability of AT devices for loan at each facility. Individuals who benefit from the use of the AT devices loaned at the courtrooms are then encouraged to contact PRATP to receive other AT related services.