
Connect with Tech Program Funded by the CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funds received from the Pennsylvania Development of Health enabled our program to develop a program called "Connect with Tech." This program distributes tablets (including case, stylus and earbuds) and assists recipients by offering tech

Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Courts

Puerto Rico

Through a collaborative agreement with the Puerto Rico Tribunal Administration Office (TAO), PRATP has offered technical assistance to judges and officials on issues related to assistive technology and persons with disabilities.

IATP Trains IDoA Staff


As a result of the ICT training Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) staff conducted for IDoA management, graphic designers and support staff, IDoA committed to expanding their knowledge and implementation of approaches to create accessible materials.

Proposed AT Waiver and Funding Restructure


Easterseals, Iowa participated in an invitation-only workgroup led by Iowa Medicaid Enterprise (IME) to establish new policies, procedures, and funding of Assistive Technology for a CMS redesign proposal.

Georgia Tools For Life Partners with GA DBHDD to Fund waivers


A team from Georgia Tools for Life has been working since July of 2022 with the GA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) on the addition of Assistive Technology products and services to the COMP and NOW waivers in Georgia.

Georgia Plans AT Expansion


Georgians with disabilities who qualify for Medicaid waivers now have access to AT where none was available before. This will open the door to broader use of AT and benefits for individuals. 

The policies have been written, and is in the process of implementation. 

DATI's "Assistive Technology in Delaware Schools: Experience and Needs among Educators and Families" Study


In 2016, the legislatively-mandated Delaware Education Technology Task Force issued a report and a host of recommendations, and several of those recommendations called for enhancements to AT services and supports provided within the state’s early intervention and PreK-12 systems.

Policy and Training Improvement for Power during Emergencies


TTAP partnered with the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilties and other stakeholders on a Task Force to develop policy recommendations, information, and training on the critical need of power back up for dedicated medical equipment and assistive techn

Smart Home AT Contract for Lift Systems

South Dakota

We are currently establishing a collaboration with the LTSS Hope Waiver program. We plan to start with smart home equipment and possibly SureHands lift systems.

Toolkits for Emergency Preparedness


MDTAP has provided extensive support to the MD Department of Disabilities Emergency Preparedness Program and the MD Department of Human Services to expand and improve the state's Emergency Deployment Assistive Technology Toolkits.