Initiative Description
Through the Oklahoma Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) COVID-19 Pandemic Response Grant, the Administration for Community Living provided Oklahoma Human Services the means to support community partners, and those they serve, by allocating resources at the local level and providing immediate response to the urgent needs of these partners that arose during COVID-19. This funding opportunity provided critical access to needed devices and resources for those populations most at risk for complications during COVID-19. The funding opportunity sought to mitigate adverse effects resulting from the pandemic such as social isolation, limited access to delivery services, and assistive technology (AT) for older adults, persons with disabilities, family caregivers, and the supportive workforce. The ADRC grant offered to meet one of three basic needs: mitigate social isolation, enhance transportation and delivery services, or access AT. ABLE Tech worked with every community partner who applied for the grant and requesed AT to ensure the devices were appropriate for the clients being served within the agency/organization. ABLE Tech also provided due diligence to ensure pricing was appropriate for each piece of AT. Major collaborating partners included Oklahoma Human Services Community Living, Aging, & Protective Services, Sooner SUCCESS at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and Oklahoma ABLE Tech. This was a great opportunity for ABLE Tech to coordinate with these new partners while also connecting with several new community partners statewide who serve individuals with disabilities and those aging in the home. Many of the partners were not aware of ABLE Tech’s programs and services as an AT Act Program, and this opportunity allowed ABLE Tech to provide public awareness and assist groups in developing plans to help their consumers increase access to and acquisition of AT to improve their quality of life.
Lessons Learned/Replication
Through this collaboration ABLE Tech provided technical assistance (TA) to a total of 25 agencies and organizations including public schools and multiple centers serving individuals with disabilities of various ages to name a few. ABLE Tech provided an estimated 186 hours of consultation, review, budget preparation, billing, purchasing, reconciliation, and then coordination of deliverables for the agencies and organizations that were awarded AT through the ADRC grant. All partners agree that the collaboration was successful in helping Oklahomans become more aware of ABLE Tech devices and services and increasing access to and acquisition of AT to those with disabilities statewide. If given the opportunity to collaborate in this same way, again, ABLE Tech would suggest some logistical changes; however, the offer to provide public awareness and TA to community partners wanting to access and acquire AT would still be made available. Much time and effort was put into obtaining quotes for AT then acquiring and shipping equipment. If replicated, ABLE Tech would suggest each individual community partner obtain their own quotes and purchase the AT directly.