
Cultivating Partnerships with Tennessee AgrAbility and Vocational Rehabilitation


The Tennessee Technology Access Program (TTAP) along with a partner center worked in collaboration with UT CLEE to provide continuing education training to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) staff and Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs).

Training Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to Deliver Assistive Technology to Clients

South Dakota

DakotaLink partners with the State Department of Human Services to offer training to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors across the State regarding their established procedure for delivering Assistive Technology devices and services to their clients.

ATRC & University of Hawaii Create AT Libraries


ATRC in 2023 developed a plan to install an assistive technology lending library on all major Hawaiian Islands. The most impactful location to have these libraries are with the state educational institutions, since each location has a student service for disabilities.

DATI's "Assistive Technology in Delaware Schools: Experience and Needs among Educators and Families" Study


In 2016, the legislatively-mandated Delaware Education Technology Task Force issued a report and a host of recommendations, and several of those recommendations called for enhancements to AT services and supports provided within the state’s early intervention and PreK-12 systems.

DCATP Continues 'Technology First' Initative

District of Columbia

DC Assistive Technology Specialists and Program Manager serve on the Department on Disability Services work group to develop a "Technology First" initiative in the District of Columbia.

Memorandum of Understanding between CIDE and CDLE


The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado has worked closely this past year with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), for the benefit of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to rewrite a Memorandum of Understanding in order to improve collaborations between the tw

AzTAP/IHD hosts Evidence for Success Conference


In 2023, the annual AzTAP/IHD Evidence for Success Conference returned to being a wholly in-person event.

APTAT partners with United Ability


This year APTAT developed a new partnership with United Ability, a nonprofit in central Alabama whose mission is provide services that empower individuals to live full and meaningful lives.

Supporting AAC Users


Throughout their academic journey, students may have received AAC devices and necessary support. However, upon transitioning to higher education or community living, unless an AAC device was acquired specifically for them, they now find themselves without a communication tool.