DakotaLink partners with the State Department of Human Services to offer training to Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors across the State regarding their established procedure for delivering Assistive Technology devices and services to their clients.
SCATP collaborated with the SC Department on Aging (SCDOA), Walton Options Centers for Independent Living and the Medical University of SC (MUSC) counseling department on a social isolation project.The pilot program helps people aged 55 and younger with a disability who are at
DC Assistive Technology Specialists and Program Manager serve on the Department on Disability Services work group to develop a "Technology First" initiative in the District of Columbia.
CT's AT Act Program utilized AT Public Health funds in collaboration with the State Unit on Aging who contributed $292,838 of their Public Health funds and $108,000 in ADRC Funds to help create our Bridging the Digital Divide program in CT.
The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado houses a University of Colorado Medicine Community Practice Clinic. CIDE serves the disability community by providing wheelchair seating and mobility and augmentative alternative communication services as well as other assistive technology services.
The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado received $1.4 million from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), the state Medicaid office, to provide emergency battery backup power systems, 1,000 emergency go kits, and four different trainings on emergency preparedness
To reduce social isolation and loneliness, the Oregon AT Program continued their partnership with the State Unit on Aging and ADRC offices throughout Oregon, providing technology and related services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.
In FY 2023, ND Assistive met several times with the director of the North Dakota Alzheimer’s Association to see how our programs could work together to improve the lives of individuals with dementia as well as their caregivers.
ND Assistive collaborated with the Assistant Director of North Dakota Aging Services to develop a strategy for providing assistive technology that promotes independence and safety to the numerous North Dakota adults benefiting from the Vulnerable Adult Protective Services (VAPS) program under her