Information and Communication Technology/Remote Connectivity

Partnering on a Social Isolation Project

South Carolina

SCATP collaborated with the SC Department on Aging (SCDOA), Walton Options Centers for Independent Living and the Medical University of SC (MUSC) counseling department on a social isolation project.  The pilot program helps people aged 55 and younger with a disability who are at

Using Accessible Educational Materials in the Transition Process

South Carolina

The SC Assistive Technology program (SCATP) is collaborating with the SC Department of Education, the state library system, ETV, the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), and national AEM Center on Accessible Educational Materials, and Teach Access to provide educators with valuable infor

Assistive Technology Awareness Day

Rhode Island

Rhode Island has worked tirelessly to educate on all things assistive technology.  As part of this, we have just begun to hold a Assistive Technology Awareness Day.  During this reporting time, Rhode Island held our second annual AT Awareness Day.  &

Connect with Tech Program Funded by the CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funds received from the Pennsylvania Development of Health enabled our program to develop a program called "Connect with Tech." This program distributes tablets (including case, stylus and earbuds) and assists recipients by offering tech

Connect with Tech Program Funded by the CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funds received from the Pennsylvania Development of Health enabled our program to develop a program called "Connect with Tech." This program distributes tablets (including case, stylus and earbuds) and assists recipients by offering tech

Internet Access of Underserved Iowans


The state of Iowa was funded to expand broadband access for underserved and marginalized populations. Easterseals Iowa serves on the Iowa Digital Equity Planning Committee assuring that Iowa's plan is accessible and inclusive for all Iowans.  

Georgia Tools For Life Partners with GA DBHDD to Fund waivers


A team from Georgia Tools for Life has been working since July of 2022 with the GA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) on the addition of Assistive Technology products and services to the COMP and NOW waivers in Georgia.

DCATP Continues 'Technology First' Initative

District of Columbia

DC Assistive Technology Specialists and Program Manager serve on the Department on Disability Services work group to develop a "Technology First" initiative in the District of Columbia.

'Bridging our Didgital Divide' Partnerships


CT's AT Act Program utilized AT Public Health funds in collaboration with the State Unit on Aging who contributed $292,838 of their Public Health funds and $108,000 in ADRC Funds to help create our Bridging the Digital Divide program in CT.

Ability Tools Partners with AbleGamers


Ability Tools and AbleGamers partnered to train Ability Tools staff and partners on the setup of accessible gaming devices for people with disabilities.