
Policy and Training Improvement for Power during Emergencies


TTAP partnered with the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilties and other stakeholders on a Task Force to develop policy recommendations, information, and training on the critical need of power back up for dedicated medical equipment and assistive techn

Smart Home AT Contract for Lift Systems

South Dakota

We are currently establishing a collaboration with the LTSS Hope Waiver program. We plan to start with smart home equipment and possibly SureHands lift systems.

Toolkits for Emergency Preparedness


MDTAP has provided extensive support to the MD Department of Disabilities Emergency Preparedness Program and the MD Department of Human Services to expand and improve the state's Emergency Deployment Assistive Technology Toolkits.

Accessible Websites and Apps for Department of Correction

The State ADAs Office, Georgia Tech AMAC Accessibility Research Center and TFL who form AccessGA worked together to assist the Georgia Department of Corrections to become accessible with their website and apps.

AT for Addressing Recovery Stages of Emergencies


CIDE has worked with the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on the inclusion of assistive technology in the planning, response, and recovery stages of an emergency.

"Connect with Tech" Helping with Internet Connectivity


CDC funds received from the Pennsylvania Department of Health enabled our program to develop a program called "Connect with Tech." This program distributes tablets (including case, stylus and earbuds) and assist recipients by offering tech support and resources

Public Library Partnership for Info Dissemination


Working with the Southern Nevada Public Library System we began with discussions about on-going collaborations to establish a long-term partnership for information dissemination, outreach, and creating additional methods to reach underserved populations with as

COVID-19 Support through Collaboration


Texas Partners for Inclusive Access is spearheaded by Disability Rights Texas and The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilties. It began during COVID-19 as a support for information and vaccine/testing access for people with disabilties.

Responding to AT Needs During a Pandemic and Weather Emergency


LATAN is actively engaged with EMDAC (Emergency Medical, Disability and Aging Coalition) in coordination of Emergency Response services.

Illinois CARE Connections: A program to provide technology devices for socially isolated seniors & persons with disabilities.


The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) was contracted to develop, implement, and support a program that would provide technology devices and internet access to older adults and persons with disabilities who are socially isolated as a result of the pandemic.