Recycling Collaboration to Enhance Reutilization Process

Initiative Description

The Executive Director of the TN Technology Access Program’s (TTAP) partner assistive technology (AT) center serving East TN functions as the lead in collaborative partnership with Scott Recycling that provides recycling of computers, small household appliances and electronics. The AT center accepts items for Scott Recycling to pick up, or people can take their items directly to Scott Recycling. In return, the AT center receives a minimum of 25% of computer and tablet donations. The devices are wiped clean with a new operating system added by Scott Recycling and donated back to the AT center for reutilization. The resulting devices are then available to any individual with a disability in East TN. Funding made available through TTAP contracts help to fund the activities, and the center may utilize undesignated funds raised if they see fit. Contributions of the time and donations are made by Scott Recycling.

Lessons Learned/Replication

With the increase in reutilized computers, the AT center has assisted two low-income housing complexes for seniors and/or individuals with disabilities upgrade the computers for their residents. This will remain an ongoing collaborative partnership to continue meeting the technology needs of individuals in East TN. Additionally, the AT center will provide ongoing technical assistance to the facilities and/or training for residents to maximize their independent use of computers, tablets, and personal government-issued phones. This partnership has increased the outreach and visibility of the AT center, allowing a growing number of individuals to be reached by the AT program. With the success of this partnership, the details and logistics will be further evaluated to in the upcoming year to determine if similar relationships can be established in other areas of the state.

Year of Implementation


AT Activities



Initiative contact information

Kim Lilley