Initiative Description
We have formed a partnership with the LTSS Hope Waiver program. Our initial focus is on implementing smart home technology, and we may also explore the integration of SureHands lift systems. A contract has already been prepared, and our next step is to collaborate with them to establish the referral process. They utilize a platform called TheraP, and they conducted a training session in the Winter of 2023 to ensure we are proficient in its use. While it has been a lengthy journey, the completion of the contract and their commitment to offering training signify significant progress in our collaboration.
Lessons Learned/Replication
As previously stated, the agreement with LTSS adheres to the SFY23 Environmental Accessibility Adaptations Provider Provisions. You can find these standards at
Our intention is to offer services under the rates and quantities specified for Environmental Accessibility Adaptations in the FY2023 LTSS Fee Schedule, which can be found at and is hereby included by reference.