Acquiring Funding for Increased Short-term Equipment

Initiative Description

ND Assistive eliminated the Loan Library fees in October 2020, which continues to increase our short-term equipment loans. Due to this,   we do not have enough equipment to loan. We worked with ND Vocational Rehabilitation and wrote for funding through the Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Opportunity Grant. In August 2022, we received a CIE grant of $9949 to add work/school-related assistive technology to our loan library. 

Lessons Learned/Replication

Because of this additional funding, we will be able to provide more equipment to loan to children and adults throughout the state in FY23. This funding will decrease the wait time to get a loan and increase the variety of devices available for loan.    

Year of Implementation


Focus Areas


North Dakota

Initiative contact information

Jeannie Krull