Accessible Recreation Initiative

Initiative Description

In preparation for applying for a Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Grant, MonTECH reached out to Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks to discuss potential collaboration on an accessible recreation project. FWP's accessibility coordinator responded with interest and together, an application was submitted and accepted that will result in five accessible kayak, canoe, and stand-up paddleboard launches on existing FWP docks across the state. This project, Floating Across Montana, will serve people with paralysis and other disabilities in multiple communities in Montana. The full funding award was $100,000 but the majority of that will be spent in FY 2023. 

Lessons Learned/Replication

The grant just began in July 2022 and will last 2 years so the initiative is in its infancy. MonTECH, FWP, and Boardsafe (creators of the accessible dock) are in frequent communication while working to determine optimal locations for these accessible docks. MonTECH is glad to be providing technical assistance to FWP throughout this project to help them recognize additional areas in their purview that may benefit from a stronger inclusivity lens.

Year of Implementation


AT Activities



Initiative contact information

Molly Kimmel