STAY CONNECTED: Bridging Isolation Through Technology and Connection

Initiative Description

The Arc of Mississippi, in partnership with Project START at The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation, continues the effort to keep people receiving services in residential and other programs or who may be in isolated situations, connected with their families and friends. COVID-19 has affected everyone in some way, but the impact on people who receive services and supports on a daily basis has been especially difficult. Often, the technology and resources are not available for people to remain in touch with their families and friends and may not understand the reasons for the isolation. STAY CONNECTED provides I-Pads and the related technology and resources to providers and facilities for the use of the residents/participants. Each location has a person on site who is responsible for the safe usage of the equipment. The level of independence in using the technology is person-centered, and grant funding included in the partnership contract is used.   

Lessons Learned/Replication

The Executive Director of the Arc of MS states, "our world of support was forever changed due to the impact of Covid 19 for the people we support. We were unable to personally ride by and check on individuals, due to the dangers of face-to-face interactions. Many of whom lost contact with families and other outside supporters because of the difficulties with quarantining in place, like the government was requiring. Because of our partnership with project START and our “Staying Connected” project, the Arc was able to share connected iPads with regional centers and community partners and some individuals to “stay connected” with their loved ones. To date, we would estimate, several hundred interactions that would not have taken place, have in fact happened because of this partnership. Participants have connected with family, friends and providers of service using these devices. We continue to be proud of this service and in this post-covid era the skills learned are still being used today.   One of the participants from Westpoint MS said, “without calling you, I would not have anyone to talk to outside of my house. Thank you, project START, for making this happen for me.” There are many more quotes that could be shared and all are positive as to the impact of this partnership. One of the highlights continues to be project "Success", a crisis intervention project of Boswell regional center in Magee MS. Boswell was a recipient of two devices and they continue to use them today for their clients who are in their program for short periods of time- to get their behaviors under control. They are able to stay connected with their families and caregivers back in the programs that they came from. The devices have been used to send pictures and videos throughout their stay, in an effort to stay connected with the program/families that they will be returning to."  He also stated, "we, here at The Arc of Mississippi, continue to be proud of our involvement with person’s who experience disability daily and of our continued partnership with project START and their leadership in serving people statewide who have a disability." 

Year of Implementation


AT Activities



Initiative contact information

Jamie Tucker