Initiative Description
In 2023, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Home and Community-Based Waivers implemented the coverage of assistive technology, enabling devices, and remote services. In anticipation of this, Oklahoma ABLE Tech collaborated with DDS to provide additional training and exploration of assistive technology, enabling devices, and remote support services to DDS. Three Smart Home Demonstrations sites were created to provide in-depth training and exploration of AT options available to individuals to successfully stay or maintain independence in the home. This effort greatly expanded ABLE Tech’s demonstration and training efforts while providing additional support from and collaboration with DDS. This video shares more about the collaboration with DDS:
Lessons Learned/Replication
The collaboration with DDS to create Smart Home Demonstration spaces gave ABLE Tech the funding needed to develop and expand resources for individuals in community / home environments. A main focus has been on highlighting smart devices that can be used as assistive technology. Prior to this funding, ABLE Tech did not have the technology and remote support devices to demonstrate. The collaboration and funding allowed ABLE Tech to not only increase demonstrations of AT but also create virtual resources to reach more individuals statewide. People can learn about this AT whether in person, through virtual tours, or through self-directed virtual tours.