MoAT and MODCC Partner to Enhance Digital Inclusion for People with IDD

Initiative Description

Missouri Assistive Technology (MoAT) has begun a multi-year partnership with our state Developmental Disabilities Council (MODCC) that focuses on increasing digital inclusion for individuals with IDD. This effort has 4 components: increase digital literacy, increase digital safety, increase knowledge about assistive technology and encourage utilization of the Affordable Connectivity Program. MoAT developed the initiatives content and is performing the training while MODCC is providing funding and logistical support. Funds were provided through a grant provided to MoAT by MODCC.

Lessons Learned/Replication

Though only in its first year, much has been learned including the degree to which individuals with I/DD are not as well versed on digital literacy and digital safety as the general population; the lack of information on various assistive technologies that can increase useability of the internet and appropriate digital devices and how the state’s broadband plan does not adequately address the unique digital needs of this segment of the population. Access to AT is being increased through this initiative as more individuals learn about MoAT and are introduced to both devices and MoAT programs that can assist them. It has increased MoAT’s reach across the state in several ways including more connection and outreach in rural and low income areas of the state and increased connection with the IDD community and IDD providers statewide. This initiative will continue for at least two more years, if not longer, and is springboarding thought on future projects to continue closing the digital gap within the I/DD community. 

Year of Implementation




Initiative contact information

David Baker