Durable Medical Equipment Funding

Initiative Description

Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program staff participated in Iowa Medicaid Listening sessions and followed up with IME Director for an onsite tour. Discussion on gaps in funding for DME as well as exploration of more robust collaborative effort. 

Lessons Learned/Replication

Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program staff and Iowa Medicaid Enterprise, in conjunction with managed care organizations developed strategies for a statewide committee to explore the durable medical equipment needs of Iowans. Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program implemented a change to Reutilization applications which included gathering data on the number of consumers served that currently are eligible for Medicaid services. Finally, Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program began collaborative efforts with other tech act programs, including Oklahoma AT program,  to brainstorm and bring information to the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise for replication of appropriate projects. 

Year of Implementation


