IATP Collaborates with Medical Professionals for AT Awareness

Initiative Description

Illinois Assistive Technology Program’s CEO met the medical doctor responsible for all physicians’ training at a holiday event. As a result of the chance meeting IATP offered to collaborate with Memorial Medical Center and SIU to increase the knowledge and awareness of the doctors had of assistive technology and durable medical equipment through a virtual tour and demonstration. The demonstration was a hybrid of some doctors being in person and the others were linked virtually through telepresence. A total of 71 health providers participated in the tour and AT demonstration. 

The main objectives of the tour and AT/DME Demonstration were for acute therapy staff and doctors to have a general understanding of the value of AT and be familiar with IATP programs and services to share with patients and to refer patients in need of access to AT and durable medical equipment for short-and long-term use to address their acute needs and ensure greater success living in their homes. Both the AT Demonstration Center and the Reuse Program experienced significant increases in the number of referrals. A few doctors have begun contacting IATP directly when with their patient to see if there is some assistance the agency can provide the individual. IATP attributes this collaboration and the fact that we are closer to the medical district with greater involvement from therapists, doctors, and other medical staff.

Year of Implementation




Initiative contact information

Willie Gunther