Initiative Description
ATRC participates in a network of organizations that refer clients to one another. The program, called No Wrong Door, is a software platform that was intended to make it easier for local agencies to provide enhanced services for clients. If an organization, such as the Aloha Independent Living program, has a client who they believe needs assistive technology, they send us a referral and we contact the client for further information.
Lessons Learned/Replication
The “No Wrong Door” initiative is intended to bring together a variety of human service organizations in Hawaii into one platform to make it easier for these organizations to refer clients to one another for additional services. If the department on ageing has a client, for example, they may send a referral to us at the Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii to determine if the individual can benefit from tech services. The platform is still in the betta testing phase and is funded by a grant from an outside agency. Some of the participating agencies in the initiative include Ho’opono school for the blind, Developmental Disabilities, Executive Department on Ageing and Disability, Abilities Unlimited, Aloha Independent Living Program, Easter Seals, and Hawaii Disability Rights Center.